Tim Baker Profile Pic

About Me

My name is Shivam, I'm a Full Stack Developer. Currently I'm working at Wipro while also learning new tech

Contact Details

Shivam Rajvanshi
123 ABC Apt
Delhi India, ABC 123

+91 12 345 6789


Chandigarh University

Bachelors in Computer Science May 2019

Graduated with Distinction



Fullstack Developer Jun 2019 - Present

Making web apps


Intern Feb 2019 - April 2019

Sales and Marketing Intern


Here you can create a short write-up of your skills to show off to employers

  • C#
  • ASP .NET
  • CSS
  • Git
  • React
  • HTML5
  • SQL Server

Client Testimonials

  • Here you should write some nice things that someone has said about you. No lies though, employers can tell when you are lying.

    Kareem Abdul Jabbar
  • That Shivam Rajvnshi must be one of the most brilliant developers I've ever met! It is amazing that nobody has hired him yet. Hey you, you should hire this guy, he may be fresh out of University and have zero on the job experience but I am confident that he will be one of your best developers in no time!

    Steve Wozniak... impersonator

Get In Touch.

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